I just returned home from the grocery store here in Noblesville – and by the number of people at the grocery I would say there is concern for the weather with the ice storm predicted to hit central Indiana tomorrow. Here are a few good tips to keep in mind…
1. Ensure that if you are using a generator, exhaust is not allowed into the home. Placing the generator outside of the garage with the door closed on the cord is acceptable. Never locate a generator near a door or window that is open, even a little bit. -dpb Home Inspections
2. Please use CO detectors if you need to use gas or wood appliances to heat your home in the event that there is a power loss. Do not sleep with these appliances running. – dpb Home Inspections
3. If your power does go out turn your faucets on to a slow stream to help prevent frozen water pipes.
4. Charge your cell phones tonight!
5. Stock up on foods that don’t require power to prepare. I could use some ideas here! (Cereal, cheese & crackers, veggies, deli sandwiches)
Stay home if you can & be safe!
Here is the latest news release from the city of Noblesville.
(Noblesville, IN)….In anticipation of the upcoming winter ice storm, the City of Noblesville is taking steps to prepare for the weather and any issues that might arise from it. Please keep the following in mind:
- The Noblesville Street Department has already begun to heavily treat city roads in advance of the storm’s arrival and will continue to treat during the storm.
- As always, call 911 in an emergency situation.
- If you lose power during the storm and are unable to remain at your home, residents may come to any of the Noblesville fire stations to stay. If you are unable to drive yourself and you do not have a neighbor, friend, or relative who can drive you, please call (317) 770-1400. Addresses for each Noblesville fire station are listed on www.cityofnoblesville.org/fire.
- During the storm, any updates will be posted on the City of Noblesville website (www.cityofnoblesville.org), Facebook (City of Noblesville, IN), and Twitter (NoblesvilleIN). In the event that power is out at your home, please call (317) 770-2020. This is an automated line that will provide the same updates as those online.
- For any non-emergency questions, please call (317) 773-1400.
- In the event of a power outage, if you choose to use a portable heating device, be sure to use it exactly according to the manufacturer’s directions.
- Be sure that you have enough food and water on hand to last for a few days. For additional storm preparation steps, check www.ready.gov.