Attention home buyers!
On July 1st, 2024 a new law will go into effect in Indiana which will require written buyer agency agreements. This means that after July 1st, a Realtor must have a written agreement with a buyer before showing them any home. Similar to a listing agreement when you list your home. Many states in the US have been using buyer agreements for years, so this is not a new concept in the real estate world. You can read the entire Indiana law here – HEA1068.
How does signing a buyer agency agreement benefit you, the buyer? As an agent with 17+ years of experience, I often know of homes before they hit the market as well as additional “insider info” about current or potential listings. I am confidently able to share this info with clients who I have committed to working with through a buyer agency agreement.
In the coming days, weeks & months I will be having conversations with all potential buyers to discuss my commitment to your home search! Please reach out to discuss signing a buyer agency agreement and let’s work together to find your dream home!