If you’re a social media geek like I am you probably watched the 60 Minutes Episode about Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg Sunday evening. You’ve probably also checked out the new profile page he was talking about – What do you think? If you have not updated to the new facebook profile – it’s time!

What really stuck in my head from the interview was the question “Are you trying to take over the entire internet?” Would that really be such a terrible thing? Imagine if facebook were integrated into every website, every search, everything we do on the internet?

I was going over our google analytics the other day for our real estate website – I could see all of the typical stats – how many hits we had, bounce rate, how many people took advantage of our “one click” Noblesville home search feature, % of new visitors, BUT I wanted more! Who are these people? Did they like the site? Do they have feedback? Do they want to be my friend? I found myself missing facebook…

When Andy and I remodeled our home a few years ago, my favorite job was painting. I’ve since figured out why I love painting so much – I love the immediate gratification I get watching the wall transform into my hand selected color! I love the folks who “like” it and give me feedback on the job I’ve done (which is not always positive).

I will also admit that instant feedback is the reason I love facebook so much…Yes, I’m ready to admit that publically. Think about it – you post a thought, a quote, a question and have immediate results. I know who likes it, who dislikes it, who agrees and who disagrees – in real time. I know exactly how many people “like” me – (think how handy that would have been during the awkward middle school years!).

Like many people, much of my Christmas shopping has been on Amazon this year…I love to read reviews on products, BUT who are these people? Should I trust their opinion? Wouldn’t it be even better if facebook were integrated with my Amazon reviews? Instead of reading reviews from unknown people, I could read reviews from MY facebook friends – people I know, trust and feel are reliable sources of information.

The next time I shop for a car, I could see what each of MY facebook friends drives and how they feel about it?

The next time I search for a local restaurant, I could see which of MY facebook friends recommend it and who would never go there again?

When searching for a Realtor in Noblesville, I could see which agent MY facebook friends have used, how their experience was, how quickly their home sold and who got the most $ out of their sale.

I believe the future of the internet is going to involve a much more personal experience – an experience only facebook can truly provide at this point. Time to update that profile!



Learn more about our community by joining our facebook sites -another FREE service provided by Sold By Sheets!

Andy Sheets, Realtor -Century 21 Scheetz – http://www.facebook.com/SoldBySheets

365 Things To Do in Noblesville, Indiana – http://www.facebook.com/365ThingsToDoInNoblesvilleIndiana

Morse Lake – http://www.facebook.com/MorseLake


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