The Question

It’s a question I’m asked quite frequently… Is there ANYTHING you don’t like on facebook? Why do you like so many things? …All very valid questions. My answer is usually “For Work”, but that still doesn’t really give a clear explanation….so here it is and a free Facebook lesson while were at it!

As the voice of Sold By Sheets, my job is marketing and social media (in addition to making tiny Century 21 Real Estate Signs for Gingerbread houses). Andy is busy selling, showing, negotiating and working for his clients – I get to have all the facebook fun! If he spent ½ as much time on facebook as I do, he would probably never sell a house.

Tag Me

Ok now a little facebook lesson for today. Free. Have you ever read a status update and noticed there is a word that has a “hyperlink” – where you can click on it directly? How and why do they do that?

Here is an example of using a tag in a status update and how to do it.

Amanda Spears Sheets – I wish I could adopt every single animal at the @HumaneSocietyForHamiltonCounty!

In this status update I “tagged” the Humane Society. By placing the @ symbol in front of their name – their name will be displayed as a Hyperlink in my status update. This will allow you to click on them and go directly to their site! My post is also displayed on THEIR wall (assuming they allow wall posts) as well as appear on my wall. (If you manage a business page be sure to allow posts on your wall so others can tag you…it’s free publicity!)

It will appear like this:

Amanda Spears Sheets – I wish I could adopt every single animal at the Humane Society For Hamilton County!

Go ahead try it for yourself……. Thank a friend, tell us how much you loved a restaurant, promote Sold By Sheets (you would be my hero and make my boss very happy).

The catch – you must “like” a person, city or business to tag them! Reason #1 I like things.

365 Things

Ok so now that you are facebook smart – here is another reason I “like” so many things.

When we moved to Noblesville, I’ll admit the only reason we moved here was Morse Lake. I figured I would learn to “like” Noblesville, but here I am 4 years later and I have fallen in love with this town. In fact, if Morse Lake dried up (which I was starting to think might happen this summer) we would never leave. We love Noblesville – the community, the small town feel, the people, the exceptional schools…Yup, we’re hooked!

You get the point, we love Noblesville as much as you do – so we have decided to provide another great service to our community. 365 Things to Do In Noblesville Indiana! In order to find all of these great things to do…yes, you guessed it I have to “like” as many area business/people/charities/causes/etc… I can find!

The good news…. You don’t have to sort through the pages of status updates to find something interesting to do in Noblesville, I’ve already done it for you – just be sure to “like” 365 Things To Do In Noblesville Indiana! That’s my job! Go ahead…click on it and “like” now.


There are many different reasons to “like” pages on facebook. Coupons, deals, information, jokes, etc….

What makes you want to click that “like” button?


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