Many years ago, the Morse Waterways Association initiated a project to assign and label docks around Morse with dock numbers. There are currently 1,387 numbered docks on Morse which does NOT include each individual dock slip at the condo communities and marina. 

Sequential numbering starts at Morse Park & Beach going north along the eastern edge of the lake. The numbers then come back south along the western shore, through North Harbour and ending at the South Harbour clubhouse. You can find a map of Morse Lake dock numbers by address by visiting our Morse Lake Map! Please give this page a few moments to load as it does take a little extra time to download this data. 

This initiative not only helps boaters navigate the lake (locate a friends home, home for sale or lakefront concert), BUT more importantly it is tied directly to our emergency management system! 

A boater in distress can easily reference a dock number when calling 911. The 911 operator is able to cross reference the dock number with a street address. This can save precious moments in an emergency when boaters may not be able to clearly communicate or know their location. 

Please do your part and clearly display your dock number! You can look up your dock number on our map. To order a replacement plate, please email Dean Denhart – with the Morse Waterways Association. 

 If you need help installing your dock sign, please email me – Andy Sheets – I’m always up for a boat ride and happy to help you! 

Have a great day on the lake!


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