The managing broker in the office paid us a visit today to inform us Andy was the top selling real estate agent in central Indiana for the Noblesville/Cicero area in 2012 and the top selling agent overall for CENTURY21 Scheetz. We were both a bit surprised, shocked and feeling extremely fortunate. Life in real estate can be a bit of a roller coaster – with no guaranteed paycheck in the future so having a good year is always worth celebrating- there are no guarantees for the next. BUT… before we crack open the champaign it’s my job to over-analyze these stats and figure out exactly WHY Andy is the top selling real estate agent in Noblesville/Cicero.

Is it because he is a nice guy?

Is it because he is the best Realtor in town?

Is it because his marketing specialist is a genius?

He is a nice guy, but do nice guys always finish first… I think not. He is a great Realtor, but I could personally introduce you to tons of great Realtors in the Indy area… his office alone is filled with them (and they are nice too)! And as much as I would like to think it’s his marketing person, my conclusion is the answer to all of those questions is NO. So what makes him any different?

He is the top selling Real Estate agent in the area simply because nobody knows the Morse Lake area like Andy Sheets does.

His life IS Morse Lake. 

We’re talking about a guy who drives a hand me down SUV with a drivers seat that doesn’t go back quite far enough – it looks like a scene from The Incredibles when he pulls out of the drive. He doesn’t care about cars or driving or what he looks like driving a car….. it’s all about boats. The man has a boat for every season and occasion – Ski boat with a big wake, ski boat with small wake, pontoon for taking out clients and the wife & kids, winter boat for guys night out in January… he cares about boats. He can identify most people who live on the lake by their exact make/model of boat, where they live and what type of lift they might have. I’m feeling good about myself if I simply remember a first name and type of boat (ie. Bob has a pontoon).

He built our dock and lifts from scratch – piecing together scrap parts (that have been collected during many recon missions) over countless hours – sometimes in the warm sun & sometimes with waders on in the nearly frozen water….and sometimes with his wife complaining he SHOULD be working on other things. (smiles) He simply loves living on the lake.

The lake is his life. He lives on it, he plays on it, he sells it, he knows it like nobody I’ve ever met.

When Andy started in real estate, he dreamed of someday focusing on the lake and that “someday” has arrived. I’ve never seen him so fulfilled, passionate & driven in his career. So from the very bottom of my heart I say thank you to each and every one of our clients & the entire lake community for helping Andy live out his dream. There is something special about helping clients buy the home of their dreams & we’re fortunate enough to be a part of it every single day.

Cheers to lake living in 2013!


To begin your Morse Lake home search contact Andy:

Andy Sheets, REALTOR
CENTURY 21 – Scheetz

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