Harbour Trees Beach Club
We had the opportunity to visit the Harbour Trees Beach Club open house a few weekends ago – wow! I really feel this facility is

going to put Morse Lake on the map so to speak. It has a very “high end” feel, but at an affordable cost ($125 month for social membership). The facility will have docks for “float up” access (docks) – which will really bring the lake community together. I was also most excited to hear they will be offering a swim team for kids this summer! The workout facility is currently OPEN– so get your membership in & start working toward swim suit season! Grand opening of the entire facility will be coming this spring! Check out our facebook page for more photos!
Save the Island
Special thanks to the Morse Waterways Association & Thomas Docks for their work to save the “party cove” island. I know many of us use the beach and enjoy the cove as a good swim spot. Thomas Docks covered the entire south shore with rip rap – which also extends up the east and west sides. This project will prevent future erosion of the island! Thank you to the MWA and to those of you who generously donated to this project! Also please consider

volunteering for a committee in 2012 – the Morse Waterways Association is currently looking for volunteers (flotilla, lake clean up, etc..). Email MWA@morseh2o.org for more info and be sure to sign up for the email newsletter on their website.
School News
Noblesville School District maps have been approved for the 12-13 school year. Those Noblesville- Morse Lake families living south of the Carrigan Rd will all attend Hinkle Creek Elementary School. North of Carrigan Rd will attend White River Elementary School. All middle school age (6-8th) “lake kids” will attend Noblesville West Middle School on Hague Rd (formerly the Intermediate School).
Real Estate
We have been working hard this winter to launch our new Morse Lake information page on our website! We’ve included general Morse Lake information, neighborhood info, homes currently for sale, sold data, homeowners association information, school district and much more. We are gearing up for the busiest time of year for buying & selling on the lake! Many buyers are already out there looking – with the hopes of moving in before lake season begins. Be sure to sign up for an automated Morse Lake search – be the first to know when a lake property hits the market!
Enjoy the Super Bowl festivities – great way to pass the time until the boats come out of hibernation!