Cleanup Time Saturday

When: Saturday November 20th in Cicero

Where: Meet at the former Waterfront Restaurant parking lot.

Dress: Wear your old shoes, dress warm and bring gloves.

Tools needed: Bring a hard rake and we need a couple of chain saws.

Hours will be from 8:00 – 1:00.  Please send Jim Schneider an email if you can help.

General Public Meeting

When: Tuesday November 23

Time: 7:00 – 8:00pm

Where: South Harbour Club House – 1156 South Harbour Drive, Noblesville

Agenda includes: Voting for new 2011 board members, review of 2010 and calendar of events for 2011.

Remember: Do not blow your leaves into the reservoir

Oxygen is vital to the fish, aquatic life, plants. Leaves contain natural levels of phosphorous which robs the water of oxygen and can help lead to the creation of algae. Mulch your leaves which are a natural fertilizer for your lawn.

Donations Always Welcomed

Just your $10 donation will help with our expenses. Make checks out to Morse Waterways Association and send them to: Jim Schneider, 2460 Cape Henry Ct. Cicero, IN 46034. Or log on to our web site and donate through PayPal. MWA is a non-profit 501(c) 3 , so your donation is tax deductable.

Thanks for your support of Morse Waterways Association & Morse Reservoir.

Jim Schneider

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