After a very dry summer in Indiana, Morse & Geist Reservoirs have made a quick recovery and are back to full capacity (actually spilling over the top of the dam)! This summer was the 4th lowest water level ever recorded on Morse – down 6′ total. Check out our water level page – we now have access to water level historical data as well as current water levels – updated daily. Did you know the lowest water level ever was in 1999 when Morse was down almost 10′.

It was frustrating to listen to the media this summer – you would have thought the lake was completely dry & our boats were all sitting on dirt around here. Yes, I know… they’re looking for a story. In reality, many of us Morse residents were able to use our boats the entire season (minus the lift). This summer saw Morse Lake home sales higher than they’ve been in 6 years! Residents realize we are going to have a dry season every few years – that’s just part of living on a reservoir. It is important when considering a home on Morse or Geist to be knowledgeable about the water depth – as water depth behind your home can have a direct impact on your personal use of the lake as well as value of your home.

Now that the lake has made a full recovery – is it spring yet?







Call Your Morse Lake Expert Today!

Andy Sheets, REALTOR®

CENTURY21 Scheetz




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