There are many reasons clients often need to sell their home quickly – maybe you found a new home to buy, are moving out of state or the financial burden has become too much. There isn’t a realtor in the state of Indiana that can promise your home will sell in 30 days or less, but from my experience selling homes in the Indianapolis area -here are a few tips to give you the best chance at a quick sale.

Price – This is the most important factor in selling your home quickly – pricing it right from the start. You can hire the best realtor in the state, set up a 3 ring circus on your front yard and advertise all day long, but unless the home is priced right, it won’t sell. Period.

Photos – Have professional photos taken of your home. (A service offered to all of my clients) Buyers are searching on the internet and good photos draw buyers to come and take a closer look!

The Little Projects – Finish up all of those little things you’ve been putting off such as cleaning out the closets, organizing the garage, cleaning the carpets – we all have little home improvement jobs we’ve neglected. Now is the time to do it….don’t assume someone else has the vision to finish the job. Call in a contractor if needed!

Offer Allowance for Upgrades – If you are looking to sell quickly and you don’t have time to do those updates you have been meaning to do, you might consider offering an allowance for updates. For example: You might offer a carpet allowance or paint allowance. This “extra” incentive might help make your home more attractive than the one down the street.

Offer to Pay for the Buyers Closing Costs – This will put more cash in the buyer’s hands, always a good incentive!

Be Flexible About Closing/Possession Date – It’s all timing and being flexible might just put you ahead of your competition.

If you are looking to sell your home, I would welcome the opportunity to assist you.

Andy Sheets

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