From Citizens Water:

Usage — On Friday, usage across the Citizens Water system fell another 5.2 million gallons to 138.88 million gallons per day. That is approximately 63 million gallons per day less than the usage prior to the implementation of the mandatory water use restrictions on July 13.

Reservoirs – Recent rains across Hamilton County and the White River watershed continue to benefit Morse and Geist Reservoirs. Morse and Geist water levels rose 0.07 and .36 feet respectively yesterday while Eagle Creek dropped 0.06. The valve at Morse was closed yesterday and remains closed today. The valve at Morse will likely be reopened tomorrow depending on system demand and river levels. Dry, hot weather is forecast through Monday, with chances of thunderstorms forecast Tuesday through Saturday.

Media coverage – Several interviews were conducted yesterday with the focus on reservoir levels. Sarah Holsapple continues to send daily operational reports to the media.

Operational Data for Friday, 7/20:


Water Usage

Reservoir Levels                                                                                                                                                             

Daily Releases


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