Read this short scenario below and see if you can spot what potential mistake(s) these home buyers made – stay tuned for the answer!
The Senario:
Mr. & Mrs. Smith are driving around their favorite Noblesville neighborhood in search of the perfect home for sale. They stumble across what they believe (from the outside) to be a “gem” – exactly what they are looking for (perfect location, beautiful lot, cul-de-sac, etc…)! Although it isn’t the foreclosure they had been hoping for, they still expect a great deal. They take down the phone number on the sign in the yard and call the Realtor.
The Realtor schedules a time for them to see the house and they are in LOVE. The Realtor is very knowledgeable about the home & the sellers situation – they are impressed with his knowledge of the area as the Realtor has sold quite a few homes in Noblesville and in this particular neighborhood.
Mr & Mrs Smith head home to think it over. The next day they decide this is the home they want to buy and decide they want to make an offer. They come up with a number in their head – how much the house is worth to them and decide they are not going to offer a dollar more. They call the Realtor back and let him know they are ready to make an offer!
Can you spot what potential mistake(s) have these Noblesville home buyers made? Name one!
Read the Answers! Are you an educated buyer?
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