Rachael & Eric McGee – Noblesville, IN
Wonderful agent who stuck with us through almost 5 months of searching. We could not have been any happier with Andy
Wonderful agent who stuck with us through almost 5 months of searching. We could not have been any happier with Andy
Andy does his homework! Andy is extremely knowledgable about the real estate industry, and what it takes to market property. Above and beyond his strong base knowledge, he takes the time to apply that knowledge to the specific property he is selling. All properties have different challenges, and Andy took the time
The kids have started full day school (KG & 1st grade) which begins a new chapter in my life! I’m excited to be working full time on the Sold By Sheets team. The most FAQ lately is— “Amanda, Are you going to get your real estate license now that the
Recent news from Citizens Water regarding Morse & Geist water levels and how the dam valve status is determined: 9/27/2011 Recently, the City of Indianapolis transferred its water and wastewater assets to Citizens Energy Group. Included in this historic transfer is the ownership of Geist and Morse Reservoirs. The primary
Are you keeping your eye out for the perfect home that fits everything you’re looking for? The house that is a fantastic deal & will make you WANT to move? Maybe you’re looking for something with a nice large lot in Hamilton County, a Morse Lake waterfront home, a swimming
Yes, I’m sure you’ve heard many realtor “pick-up lines”. Hurry, this one will go fast! It’s a must see! A one of a kind opportunity! The deal of the century! Blah, Blah, Blah… Every REALTOR has used those tag lines, but how often do we REALLY mean it? Well, let’s
I was browsing the Noblesville Schools website today to check school bus routes (they are now available online) and realized how fortunate we are to have a GREAT school AND lake access. All too often going to “the lake house” involves some off the beaten path small town with little
I’m frequently asked how home values on Morse Lake compare to other lakes – such as the Northern Indiana Lakes and/or Geist. On a recent lake visit up north I did a little research using my Realtor.com App for the iPhone to see for myself! My parents live on Lake
Its lake season – what a great time to buy that Morse lake home you’ve always dreamed about! My latest listing is 268 Sioux Circle in the East Harbour Subdivision. This listing is on a quiet cove just moments from the main body of Morse Lake. Seconds away from skiing,
The 90 degree day in May and 74 degree water temps of Morse Lake have boating season in full swing! Boats are being unwrapped from their winter cocoon daily and launched at the Morse Lake Boat Ramp! I’m also surprised by the number of water front homes and condos that
Looking for an update on the Morse Lake Water Level? We have that information right here on our website – Click here to see Morse Lake Water Levels and Dam Valve Status – is the dam valve open or closed? Did you know Morse is a Reservoir which means water
Looking for a good deal on a foreclosure in the Indianapolis area? Foreclosures can be a great way to buy a home and earn instant equity! Do you know the difference between a foreclosure and a short sale? Read my article to learn the difference between a foreclosure and a